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Cub Scout Committee

So I am and have been the Tiger den leader for my 1st graders Cub Scout den since early fall. Well we have these committee meetings which hardly anybody goes to that we make all the decisions at. Well previously we have had a cubmaster and a committe chair - who is our cubmasters wife, and they did everything. Not because they didn't want the help no one was volunteering, well they are stepping down because their youngest son is not interested in being a cub scout/ boy scout and their oldest boy is moving up to be a boy scout. So we had a problem. No one knows how to really do much and we needed people to volunteer. Well we got a Cubmaster (whew) one of my co den leaders and after last night we have a treasurerer my other co den leader and we have a committee chair -me. OK so we're good. Well I am so glad that we have some other parents who are stepping up and stepping forward because the committee chair is the person who is actually responsible for getting everything done. And I'm happy to do the job, to me it sounds like a fun challenge, but there was no way when I start my college classes in the fall and have the kids stuff to do that I could do everything. We also got a voluteer who will track what the kids are achieving award wise throughout the year and we have a volunteer to coordinate a yearly dinner for the boys who "move up" from cub scouts to boy scouts. Big deal dinner. trust me, those boys work hard to get there. So now all we need is a Training Resource coordinator, Camping coordinator, Fundraising coordinator (Please! God.) I just don't know that I could handle all those wreaths, and possibly a Parade coordinator because that would just be nice. Fill in a couple parents who are willing to help out at one or two events throughout the year and we will be golden! Yay! I just have no idea how our previous cubmasters managed to get anything done much less everything on their own. Which they did. Some more successfully than others, but it got done. So if you've made it this far and are still reading pray for me to do the job well please, and if anyone lives north of St. paul and wants to volunteer (or really anywhere in the country) I'm sure your local cub scout or boy scout pack would be happy to have you. (Provided you pass your background check and aren't creepy that is. We do have to protect our boys!)

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