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Bright Child vs Gifted Learner

I was given this list recently and found it to be very interesting. Now granted as a parent we are all biased on how our children are the best, but this is a good resource when talking with teachers and other school personnel.

Bright Child v.s. Gifted Learner
Knows the answers Asks the questions
Is interested Is highly curious
Is attentive Is mentally and physically involved
Has good ideas Has wild, silly ideas
Works hard Plays around yet tests well
Answers the questions Discusses in detail, elaborates
Top Group Beyond the group
Listens with interest Shows strong feelings and opinions
Learns with ease Already knows
6-8 repetitions for mastery 1-2 repetitions for mastery
Understands ideas Constructs abstractions
Enjoys peers Prefers adults
Grasps the meaning Draws inferences
Completes assignments Initiates projects
Is receptive Is intense
Copies accurately Creates new designs
Enjoys school Enjoys Learning
Absorbs information Manipulates information
Technician Inventor
Good memorizer Good guesser
Enjoys straightforward Thrives on complexity
Is alert Is keenly observant
Is pleased with own learning Is highly self critical
sequential presentations

Now I don't fully see my children on one side or the other but I think this is what makes them unique. They are truly gifted in some areas of their life and bright or smart in others. The important thing I always try to remember is that no matter what someone else says MY child is brilliant. My oldest can make a game out of anything and focus for hours if he wants to, or bounce around from one thing to the next. Give him anything having to do with science and you might never see him again. My middle son is amazing at reading and doing puzzles. His focus is just incredible he is in 1st grade and is capable of reading books meant for 4th and 5th graders and doing puzzles made for adults. My 3 year old son loves this new show called
"Team Umi-Zoomi" it's all about math and patterns for preschoolers and kindergardeners. My 2 year old daughter manages to be girly in a house full of boys and holds her own when she wants a toy. They all have their weak spots too be it organization or social situations but don't we all. I'm certainly not in that "perfect" category but we learn our strengths and how to use them to our best advantage and that's what I think this list is all about. Learning where our strengths lie and where to go with them.

This list was provided to me by a teacher working in the St. Paul, MN Public Schools as a resource for parents and teachers.

1 comment:

  1. Well that didn't post with the proper spacing but I hope you get the idea...
